傳真:0513-88776555 手機:013806276886 聯系人:陸長春
The machine adopts the four—roller structu re with the upper roller as the main drive.Both upwa rd and downwa rd movement Th rough hyd rauIic moto rs powe red.The lOwer roller makes ve rtial movements and imposes a force on the piston throuah the hyd raulic oil in the hyd raulic cylinder SO as to clamp the plate tight.Side rollers are arranged On the two sides of the lides of the lower roller,and make inclining movement aIona the gulde rail,and provide drive through the screw,the nut,the worm and the lead screw.The adVantage Of the machine is that the preliminary bending and rolling of the top ends 0f the plates can be conducted on the same machine.